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A Theory of Organizational Dynamics: Internal Politics and Efficiency
Hongbin Cai, Hong Feng, and Xi Weng
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 10(4):94-130
Abstract: We consider a three-member organization in which one member retires in each period and the incumbent members v… -
Location Choices and Third-degree Spatial Price Discrimination
Hong Feng and Jie Ma
Scottish Journal of Political Economy 65(2):142-153
Abstract: This paper studies how firms choose their product differentiation levels when they engage in third-degree pric… -
中国人口资源与环境 28/4/68-77
Abstract: 电力部门是中国CO2排放的主要贡献部门之一,电力部门的低碳转型对中国实施长期低碳发展战略具有至关重要的作用。本文构… -
气候变化研究进展 14/5/513-521
Abstract: 交通部门在中长期具有很高的碳排放增长潜力,对我国低碳转型有重要影响。构建自下而上的能源系统模型PECE-LIU2017及其… -
Forced Gifts: The Burden of Being a Friend
Erwin Bulte, Ruixin Wang and Xiaobo Zhang
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 155(C), 79-98
Abstract: In many developing countries, gift expenses escalate with income growth and account for a substantial share of…